An official bank statement may be needed for a variety of reasons. A lender may require one before granting a loan or a university may require proof of sufficient funds to support an applicant from overseas. In the case of EQIBank, we require such information from our prospective clients when they apply for a bank account with our digital bank.
Many countries also require an official bank statement when processing a visa application in order to ensure an applicant has sufficient funds for the entirety of the visit. Obtaining an official bank statement can be a simple process. You can complete it at the local branch of your bank.
If you’ve been requested to provide a certified bank statement, be sure whether or not you need a certified bank letter. The certified bank letter is a letter written by the bank to prove your ownership of the account.
The document must meet the following requirements:
• A certified bank statement must be dated within the last 90 days
• Signed or stamped by the bank
• Shows the bank name or logo
• Confirms the address, bank account number, and account holder’s name (Primary contact person)
In the U.K., banks statements must be on official bank stationery. If electronic, they must be accompanied by a certified letter on bank stationery certifying the authenticity of the statements. Otherwise, every page of the electronic statement must sport the bank’s official stamp.
The letter issued by the bank, furthermore, must state your name, account number, date account was opened, and the previous business day’s balance. Feel free to ask your bank representative to print the bank statements on bank letter-headed paper. If there is an issue with that due to bank statements not fitting on letter-headed paper, which is sometimes the case, perhaps they will print the bank statement on the back of the letter-headed paper.